Mori AS (2017) Environmental controls on the causes and functional consequences of tree species diversity. Journal of Ecology : in press.
Mori AS, Osono T, Cornelissen JHC, Craine J, Uchida M (2017) Biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships change through primary succession. Oikos : in press.
Tatsumi S, Ohgue T, Azuma W, Tuovinen V, Imada Y, Mori AS, Thor G, Ranlund A (2017) Tree hollows can affect epiphyte species composition. Ecological Research : in press.
Mori AS, Tatsumi S, Gustafsson L (2017) Landscape properties affect biodiversity response to retention approaches in forestry. Journal of Applied Ecology : in press.
Kobayashi Y, Mori AS (2017) The potential role of tree diversity in reducing shallow landslide risk. Environmental Management : in press.
Mimura M, Yahara T, Faith DP, Vázquez-Domínguez E, Colautti RI, Araki H, Javadi F, Núñez-Farfán J, Mori AS, Zhou S, Hollingsworth PM, Neaves LE, Fukano Y, Sato I, Tachida H, Hendry AP (2017) Understanding and monitoring the consequences of human impacts on intraspecific variation. Evolutionary Applications 10: 121-139.
Mori AS (2017) Biodiversity and ecosystem services in forests: management and restoration founded on ecological theory. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 7-11.
Mori AS, Lertzman K, Gustafsson L (2017) Biodiversity and ecosystem services in forest ecosystems: a research agenda for applied forest ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 12-27.
Fujii S, Mori AS, Koide D, Makoto K, Osono T, Isbell F (2017) Disentangling relationships between plant diversity and decomposition processes under forest restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 80-90.
Mori AS (2016) Resilience in the studies of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31: 87-89.
Mori AS, Isbell F, Fujii S, Makoto K, Matsuoka S, Osono T (2016) Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungal diversity at multiple scales. Ecology Letters 19: 249-259.
Kasahara M, Fujii S, Tanikawa T, Mori AS (2016) Ungulates decelerate litter decomposition by altering litter quality above and below ground. European Journal of Forest Research 135: 849.
Osono T, Mori AS, Uchida M, Kanda H. (2016) Accumulation of carbon and nitrogen in vegetation and soils of deglaciated area in Ellesmere Island, high-Arctic Canada. Polar Science 10: 288-296.
Fujii S, Mori AS, Kominami Y, Tawa Y, Inagaki Y, Takanashi S, Takeda H (2016) Differential utilization of root-derived carbon among collembolan species. Pedobiologia 59: 225-227.
Nishizawa K, Tatsumi S, Kitagawa R, Mori AS (2016) Deer herbivory affects functional diversity of forest floor plants via changes in competition-mediated assembly rules. Ecological Research 31: 569-578.
Craven D, Isbell F, Manning P, Bruelheide H, Ebeling A, Roscher C, Van Ruijven J, Weigelt A, Wilsey B, Beierkuhnlein C, Connolly J, De Luca E, Griffin JN, Hautier Y, Hector A, Jentsch A, Kreyling J, Lanta V, Loreau M, Meyer ST, Mori AS, Naeem S, Palmborg C, Polley HW, Reich PB, Schmid B, Siebenkäs A, Seabloom EW, Thakur MP, Tilman D, Voge A, Eisenhauer N (2016) Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371: 20150277.
Fujii S, Makita N, Mori AS, Takeda H (2016) Plant species control and soil faunal involvement in the processes of above- and below-ground litter decomposition. Oikos 125: 883-892.
Okimura T, Koide D, Mori AS (2016) Differential processes underlying the roadside distributions of native and alien plant assemblages. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 995-1009.
Matsuoka S, Mori AS, Kawaguchi E, Hobara S, Osono T (2016) Disentangling the relative importance of host tree community, abiotic environment, and spatial factors on ectomycorrhizal fungal assemblages along an elevation gradient. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92: fiw044.
Tatsumi S, Owari T, Mori AS (2016) Estimating competition coefficients in tree communities: a hierarchical Bayesian approach to neighborhood analysis. Ecosphere 7: e01273.
Fujii S, Makita N, Mori AS, Takeda H (2016) A stronger coordination of litter decomposability between leaves and fine roots for woody species in a warmer region. Trees - Structure and Function 30: 395-404.
Mori AS, Shiono T, Haraguchi TF, Ota AT, Koide D, Ohgue T, Kitagawa R, Maeshiro R, ToeToeAung, Nakamori T, Hagiwara Y, Matsuoka S, Ikeda A, Hishi T, Hobara S, Mizumachi E, Frisch A, Thor G, Fujii S, Osono T, Gustafsson L (2015) Functional redundancy of multiple forest taxa along an elevational gradient: predicting the consequences of non-random species loss. Journal of Biogeography 42: 1383-1396.
Mori AS, Ota AT, Fujii S, Seino T, Kabeya D, Okamoto T, Ito MT, Kaneko N, Hasegawa M (2015) Concordance and discordance between taxonomic and functional homogenization: Responses of soil mite assemblages to forest conversion. Oecologia 179: 527-535.
Mori AS, Fujii S, Kitagawa R, Koide D (2015) Null model approaches to evaluating the relative role of different assembly processes in shaping ecological communities. Oecologia 178: 261-273.
Mori AS, Ota AT, Fujii S, Seino T, Kabeya D, Okamoto T, Ito MT, Kaneko N, Hasegawa M (2015) Biotic homogenization and differentiation of soil faunal communities in the production forest landscape: Taxonomic and functional perspectives. Oecologia 177: 533-544.
Mori AS (2015) Modern threats to stability of biological communities. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.09191-0
Mori AS, Qian S, Tatsumi S (2015) Academic
inequality through the lens of community ecology: a meta-analysis. PeerJ 3: e1457.
Isbell F, Craven D, Connolly J,
Loreau M, Schmid B, Beierkuhnlein C, Bezemer TM, Bonin C, Bruelheide H, de Luca
E, Ebeling A, Griffin J, Guo Q, Hautier Y, Hector A, Jentsch A, Kreyling J,
Lanta V, Manning P, Meyer ST, Mori AS, Naeem S, Niklaus PA, Polley HW, Reich
PB, Roscher C, Seabloom EW, Smith MD, Thakur MP, Tilman D, Weisser WW, Wilsey
B, Eisenhauer N (2015) Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem
productivity to climate extremes. Nature 526: 574-577.
Kitagawa R, Mimura M, Mori AS, Sakai S (2015) Topographic patterns in the phylogenetic structure of wood communities in temperate forest on steep mountainous terrain. AoB Plants 7: plv134.
Hagiwara Y, Matsuoka S, Hobara S, Mori AS, Hirose D, Osono T (2015) Bleaching of leaf litter and associated microfungi in subboreal and subalpine forests. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 61: 735-743.
Sasaki T, Furukawa T, Iwasaki Y, Seto M, Mori AS (2015) Perspectives for ecosystem management based on ecosystem resilience and ecological thresholds against multiple and stochastic disturbances. Ecological Indicators 57: 395-408.
Mori AS, Kitagawa R (2014) Retention
forestry as a major paradigm for safeguarding forest biodiversity in productive
landscapes: A global meta-analysis. Biological Conservation 175:
Mori AS*, Fujii S*, Kurokawa H (2014)
Ecological consequences through responses of plant and soil communities to
changing winter climate. Ecological Research 29: 547-559 (*Equal
Qian S, Saito W, Mimura M, Kaneko S, Isagi Y, Mizumachi E, Mori AS (2014) Asymmetric gene flow and the distribution of genetic diversity in morphologically distinct Abies mariesii populations in contrasting eco-habitats. Plant Ecology 215: 1385-1397.
Ikeda A, Matsuoka S, Masuya H, Mori
AS, Hirose D, Osono T (2014) Comparison of the diversity, composition, and host
recurrence of xylariaceous endophytes in subtropical, cool temperate, and
subboreal regions in Japan. Population Ecology 56: 289-300.
Fukasawa Y, Katsumata S, Mori AS,
Osono T, Takeda H (2014) Accumulation and decay dynamics of coarse woody debris
n a Japanese old-growth subalpine coniferous forest. Ecological
Research 29: 257-269.
Mori AS, Johnson EA (2013) Assessing
possible shifts in wildfire regimes under a changing climate in mountainous
landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 875-886.
Mori AS, Spies TA, Sudmeier-Rieux K,
Andrade A (2013) Reframing ecosystem management in the era of climate
change: issues and knowledge from forests. Biological Conservation 165:
Mori AS, Shiono T, Koide D, Kitagawa
R, Ota AT, Mizumachi E (2013) Community assembly processes shape an altitudinal
gradient of forest biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22:
Mori AS, Furukawa T, Sasaki T (2013)
Response diversity determines the resilience of ecosystems to environmental
change. Biological Reviews 88: 349-364.
Mori AS, Uchida M, Kanda H (2013)
Non-stochastic colonization by pioneer plants after deglaciation in a polar
oasis of the Canadian High Arctic. Polar Science 7: 278-287.
Mimura M, Mori AS, Uchida M, Kanda H
(2013) Colonization of vegetation-rich moraines and inference of multiple
sources of colonization in the High Arctic for Salix arctica. Conservation
Genetics 13: 223-229.
Mizumachi E, Mori AS, Osawa N,
Akiyama R, Tokuchi N (2012) Variation in herbivory-induced responses within
successively flushing Quercus serrata seedlings under different nutrient
conditions. Journal of Forest Research 17: 175-183.
Mori AS (2011) Making society more
resilient. Nature 474: 284.
Mori AS (2011) Ecosystem management
based on natural disturbances: Hierarchical context and non-equilibrium
paradigm. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 280-292.
Mori AS (2011) Climatic variability
regulates the occurrence and extent of large fires in subalpine forests of the
Canadian Rockies. Ecosphere 2: art7.
Mori AS, Lertzman KP (2011) Historic
variability in fire-generated landscape heterogeneity of subalpine forests in
the Canadian Rockies. Journal of Vegetation Science 22: 45-58.
Mori AS, Niinemets Ü (2010) Plant
responses to heterogeneous environments: Scaling from shoot modules and whole
plant functions to ecosystem processes. Ecological Research 25: 691-692.
Mori AS, Mizumachi E (2009)
Within-crown structural variability of dwarfed mature Abies mariesii in a snowy
subalpine parkland in central Japan. Journal of Forest Research 14: 155-166.
Ishii H, Yoshimura K, Mori A (2009)
Convergence of leaf display and photosynthetic characteristics of understory Abies
amabilis and Tsuga heterophylla in an old-growth
forest in southwestern Washington State, USA. Tree Physiology 29: 989-998.
Mori AS, Fukasawa Y, Takeda H (2008)
Tree mortality and habitat shifts in the regeneration trajectory underneath
canopy of an old-growth subalpine forest. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 3758-3767.
Mori AS, Komiyama A (2008)
Differential survival among life-stages contributes to co-dominance of Abies
mariesii and Abies veitchii in a subalpine old-growth
forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 239-244.
Mori AS, Mizumachi E, Sprugel DG (2008)
Morphological acclimation to understorey environments in Abies amabilis, a
shade- and snow-tolerant conifer species of the Cascade Mountains, Washington,
USA. Tree Physiology 28:815-824.
Mori AS, Osono T, Uchida M, Kanda H (2008)
Changes in the structure and heterogeneity of vegetation and microsite
environments with the chronosequence of primary succession on a glacier
foreland in Ellesmere Island, high arctic Canada. Ecological Research 23: 363-370.
Doi Y, Mori AS, Takeda H (2008)
Effects of stem burial on seedling age determination for Abies mariesii and
Abies veitchii in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Journal
of Forest Research 13: 190-195.
Doi Y, Mori AS, Takeda H (2008)
Conifer establishment and root architectural responses to forest floor
heterogeneity in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Forest
Ecology and Management 255: 1472-1478.
Mori AS, Mizumachi E, Komiyama A (2007)
Roles of disturbance and demographic non-equilibrium in species coexistence,
inferred from 25-year dynamics of a late-successional old-growth subalpine
forest. Forest Ecology and Management 241: 74-83.
Mori A, Hasegawa SF (2007) Structural
characteristics of Abies mariesii saplings in a snowy subalpine parkland in
central Japan. Tree Physiology 26: 141-148.
Mori AS, Mizumachi E, Sprugel DG (2007)
Possible impacts of changing snow regimes on growth and distribution of conifer
species in high elevation ecosystems. Proceedings of the International
Symposium "Asian Collaboration in IPY 2007-2008", National
Institute of Polar Research, pp201-204.
Mizumachi E, Mori AS (2007)
Current-year shoots and branches structural variations within the crown of Abies
mariesii growing in a forest-meadow ecotone developed on Tateyama
Mountain Range in central Japan. Proceedings of the International Symposium
"Asian Collaboration in IPY 2007-2008", National Institute of
Polar Research, pp 205-207.
Doi Y, Mori AS, Takeda H (2007)
Dynamics of tree fine roots in a forest-meadow ecotone developed on Tateyama
Mountain Range in central Japan. Proceedings of the International Symposium
"Asian Collaboration in IPY 2007-2008", National Institute of
Polar Research, pp208-211.
Mori A, Osono T, Iwasaki S, Uchida M, Kanda H (2006) Initial recruitment and establishment of vascular plants in relation to Topographical variation in microsite conditions on a recently-deglaciated Moraine on Ellesmere Island, high arctic Canada. Polar Bioscience 19: 85-95.
Mizumachi E, Mori A, Osawa N, Akiyama
R, Tokuchi N (2006) Shoot development and extension of Quercus serrata saplings
in responses to insect damages and nutrient conditions. Annals of
Botany 98:219-226.
Osono T, Mori A, Uchida M, Kanda H (2006)
Chemical property of live and dead leaves of 14 tundra plant species in Oobloyah Valley, Ellesmere Island, high arctic Canada. Proceedings
of the Third International Symposium on the Arctic Research pp144-155.
Mori A, Mizumachi E (2005) Season and
substrate effects on the first-year establishment of current-year seedlings of
major conifer species in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Forest
Ecology and Management 210: 461-467.
Mori A, Takeda H (2005) Changes in
shoot properties in relation to vertical positions within the crown of mature
canopy trees of Abies mariesii and Abies veitchii. Journal
of Forest Research 10: 51-55.
Osono T, Mori A (2005) Seasonal and
leaf age-dependent changes in occurrence of phyllosphere fungi of giant
dogwood. Mycoscience 46: 273-279.
Mori A, Takeda H (2004) Effects of
undisturbed canopy structure on population structure and species coexistence in
an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Forest Ecology and
Management 200:89-100.
Mori A, Mizumachi E, Osono T, Doi Y (2004)
Substrate-associated seedling recruiment and establishment of major conifer
species in an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan. Forest
Ecology and Management 196:287-297.
Mori A, Takeda H (2004) Functional
relationships between crown morphology and within-crown characteristics of
understory saplings of three codominant conifers in a subalpine forest in
central Japan. Tree Physiology 24: 661-670.
Mori A, Takeda H (2004) Effects of
mixedwood canopies on conifer advance regeneration in a subalpine old-growth
forest in central Japan. Écoscience 11:36-44.
Osono T, Mori A (2004) Distribution
of phyllosphere fungi within the canopy of giant dogwood. Mycoscience 45: 161-168.
Osada N, Tateno R, Mori A, Takeda H (2004)
Changes in crown development patterns and current-year shoot structure with
light environments and tree height in Fagus crenata (Fagaceae). American
Journal of Botany 91: 1981-1989.
Mori A, Takeda H (2003) Light-related
competitive effects of overstory trees on the understory conifer saplings in a
subalpine forest. Journal of Forest Research 8: 163-169.
Mori A, Takeda H (2003) Architecture
and neighborhood competition of understorey saplings in a subalpine forest in
central Japan. Écoscience 10: 217-224.
Osono T, Mori A (2003) Colonization of Japanese beech leaves by phyllosphere fungi. Mycoscience 44: 427-441.