Shenshua Qian

Name (First/Last): Shenhua Qian
Research Interests
- Population structure, population dynamics
The study of spatially discrete populations and population connectivity has been longtime key topic. With rapidly developing molecular tools, new insights into underlying mechanisms and ecological processes that shape current population structure and spatial patterns are now possible. In harsh habitats and fragile ecosystems, populations are suffering potential environment fluctuations. Study how populations evolve over time and in which way are populations able to be maintained could generate solid background for ecosystem conservation and management.
- Foundation species
In many ecosystems, a single dominant species acts as a foundation species by modulating ecosystem processes that have a great impact on the local conditions experienced by other species. Here I am interested in what kinds of processes that best explains the facilitation effects of foundation species on local community structure as well as biodiversity, especially with considering intraspecific variations (genetic variation and phenotypic variation) within foundation species.
1. Qian Shenhua, Li Xiaodong (2006). Research of Application on Forestry Drawing Based on GIS, Journal of Yangzhou University (Natural Science Edition), 9:57--59. (In Chinese)
1. Qian, S.H., Mori, A.S., Ota, A.T., Kaneko, S., Mimura, M., Saito, W., Mizumachi, E., Isagi, Y. (2013). Local scale genetic structure of Abies mariesii populations in a heavily snowy subalpine ecosystem in central Japan. The 60th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ60).
2. Qian, S.H., Ohno, K., Sakai, A., Mori, A.S. (2012). Forest establishment of Zelkova serrata on ridges and upper slopes in the Kan-nami region. The 59th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan (ESJ59).