Saori Fujii

Peer-reviewed publications
Fujii S, Mori AS, Koide D, Makoto K, Osono T, Isbell F (2016) Disentangling relationships between plant diversity and decomposition processes under forest restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology : in press.
Fujii S, Mori AS, Kominami Y, Tawa Y, Inagaki Y, Takanashi S, Takeda H. (2016) Differential utilization of root-derived carbon among collembolan species. Pedobiologia : in press.
Fujii S, Mori AS, Kominami Y, Tawa Y, Inagaki Y, Takanashi S, Takeda H (2016) Differential utilization of root-derived carbon among collembolan species. Pedobiologia : in press.
Mori AS, Isbell F, Fujii S, Makoto K, Matsuoka S, Osono T. (2016) Low multifunctional redundancy of soil fungal diversity at multiple scales. Ecology Letters : in press.
Fujii S, Makita N, Mori AS, Takeda H. (2016) Plant species control and soil faunal involvement in the processes of above- and below-ground litter decomposition. Oikos 125: 883-892.
Komatsu M, Yoshimura K, Fujii
S, Yazaki K, Tobita H, Mizoguchi Y, Miyama T, Kominami Y, Yasuda Y, Yamanoi
K, Kitao M. (2015) Estimation of ozone concentrations above forests using
atmospheric observations at urban air pollution monitoring stations. Journal of
Agricultural Meteorology 71: 202-210.
Makita N, Fujii S.
(2015) Tree species effects on microbial respiration from decomposing leaf and
fine root litter. Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 88: 39-47.
Fujii S, Makita N, Mori AS, Takeda H. (2015) A stronger
coordination of litter decomposability between leaves and fine roots for woody
species in a warmer region. Trees - Structure and Function : in press.
Mori AS, Ota AT, Fujii
S, Seino T, Kabeya D, Okamoto T, Ito MT, Kaneko N, Hasegawa M. (2015)
Concordance and discordance between taxonomic and functional homogenization:
Responses of soil mite assemblages to forest conversion. Oecologia 179: 527-535.
Mori AS, Shiono T,
Haraguchi TF, Ota AT, Kiode D, Ohgue T, Kitagawa R, Maeshiro R, ToeToeAung,
Nakamori T, Hagiwara Y, Matsuoka S, Ikeda A, Hishi T, Hobara S, Mizumachi E,
Frisch A, Thor G, Fujii S, Osono T, Gustafsson L. (2015) Functional
redundancy of multiple forest taxa along an elevational gradient: predicting
the consequences of non-random species loss. Journal of Biogeography 42:
Aoyama H, Saitoh S, Fujii
S, Nagahama H, Shinzato N, Kaneko N, Nakamori T. (2015) A rapid method of
non-destructive DNA extraction from individual springtails (Collembola). Applied
Entomology and Zoology 50: 419-425.
Mori AS, Fujii S,
Kitagawa R, Koide D. (2015) Null model approaches to evaluating the relative
role of different assembly processes in shaping ecological communities.
Oecologia 178: 261-273.
Mori AS, Ota AT, Fujii
S, Seino T, Kabeya D, Okamoto T, Ito MT, Kaneko N, Hasegawa M. (2015)
Biotic homogenization and differentiation of soil faunal communities in the
production forest landscape: Taxonomic and functional perspectives. Oecologia
177: 533-544.
Fujii S, Saitoh S, Takeda H. (2014) Effects of
rhizospheres on the community composition of Collembola in a temperate forest.
Applied Soil Ecology 83: 109-115.
Saitoh S, Fujii S,
Takeda H. (2014) Effect of habitat structural complexity on collembolan communities.
Ecological Research 29: 81-90.
Kitao M, Komatsu M,
Hoshika Y, Yazaki K, Yoshimura K, Fujii S, Miyama T, Kominami Y. (2014)
Seasonal ozone uptake by a warm-temperate mixed deciduous and evergreen
broadleaf forest in western Japan estimated by the Penman-Monteith approach
combined with a photosynthesis-dependent stomatal model. Environmental
Pollution 184: 457-463.
Mori AS*, Fujii S*,
Kurokawa H. (2014) Ecological consequences through responses of plant and soil
communities to changing winter climate. Ecological Research 29: 547-559.
(*Equal contribution)
Fujii S, Yamada A, Fukushima K, Saitoh S, Kitayama K,
Takeda H. (2013) Relationships among distribution of fine roots, soil DOC
concentration and Collembola. Plant Root 7: 21-27.
Fujii S, Takeda H. (2012) Succession of collembolan
communities during decomposition of leaf and root litter: effects of litter
type and position. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 54: 77-85.
Saitoh S, Fujii S,
Takeda H. (2011) Evaluation of the bottom-up force of accumulated organic
matter on microarthropods in a temperate forest floor. European Journal of Soil
Biology 47: 409-413.
Fujii S, Takeda H. (2010) Dominant effects of litter
substrate quality on the difference between leaf and root decomposition process
above- and belowground. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 2224-2230.
Hirano Y, Noguchi K,
Ohashi M, Hishi T, Makita N, Fujii S, Finer L. (2009) A new method for
placing and lifting root meshes for estimating fine root production in forest
ecosystems. Plant Root 3: 26-31.
Fujii S, Kasuya N. (2008) Fine root biomass and morphology of Pinus densiflora under competitive stress by Chamaecyparis obtusa. Journal of Forest Research 13:185-189.