現在、国連生物多様性条約(CBD)のCOP15(モントリオール/昆明会議)の最中で、ポスト2020生物多様性枠組(Global Biodiversity Framework: GBF)が決まる予定です。これに先立ち、国連生物多様性条約事務局から非公式書簡を発出(https://www.cbd.int/doc/c/6053/38a4/3710d6e83f5b006ef774607d/wg2020-04-inf-02-rev-01-en.pdf)、地球観測に関する政府間合意(GEO)の生物多様性部会(GEO BON)事務局より書簡発出(https://geobon.org/science-briefs/)等を行ってきました。
Leadley P, Gonzalez A, Krug C, Londoño-Murcia MC, Millette K, Obura D, Radulovici A, Rankovic A, Shannon L, Archer E, Armah FA, Bax N, Chaudhari K, Costello MJ, Davalos LM, de Oliveira Roque F, DeClerck F, Dee LE, Essl F, Ferrier S, Genovesi P, Guariguata MR, Hashimoto S, Speranza CI, Isbell F, Kok M, Lavery SD, Leclère D, Loyola R, Lwasa S, McGeoch MA, Mori AS, Nicholson E, Ochoa JM, Öllerer K, Polasky S, Rondinini C, Schroer S, Selomane O, Shen X, Strassburg BB, Sumaila R, Tittensor DP, Turak E, Urbina L, Vallejos M, Vázquez-Domínguez E, Verburg PH, Visconti P, Woodley S, Xu JC (2022) Achieving global biodiversity goals by 2050 requires urgent and integrated actions. One Earth 6: 597-603.
CBD GBFの22タ-ゲットのうち、ターゲット8が気候変動課題です。この目標の策定において、生物多様性と気候変動の課題の相互依存性、同時的解決の必要性を訴えています。https://geobon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/T8_brief.pdf
Archer E, Obura DO, Leadley P, Arneth A, Smith P, Mori AS (2022) Establishing a climate target within the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. PLOS Climate 1: e0000106.
Leadley P, Obura D, Archer E, Costello MJ, Dávalos LM, Essl F, Hansen A, Hashimoto S, Leclère D, Mori AS, Nicholson E, Purvis A, Rondinini C, Shannon L, Shen X, Turak E, Verburg PH, Visconti P (2022) Actions needed to achieve ambitious objectives of net gains in natural ecosystem area by 2030 and beyond. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1: e0000040.